
A bright beaming flash like a shooting star magnified 10k times hit the surface and slowly merged into it. The lake of conciousness slowly embraced that mighty being into itself. From within emerged a being drenched changing the very constitution of the water body. Embodied with no qualms of the household and beyond. A silent revolution rolled down the milkyway into a small speck of dust changing the face of the humanity and its origins. Unwavered in his path he just sat in human form, mute. He seemed too dark and deadly for the civilisation to accept, but an unquenchable thirst to move beyond the bonds grew in every heart in around this speck called mother earth, as she herself bowed down and incepted this more than mighty being into her womb to liberate her children from deception of odds that dimmed in between the night lamps. He had a choice to make before he was born, and he chose death to be his adornment. He conquered all life on the planet with the very choice. He chose the opposite of civilization and embraced only Life, Life in its Raw demeanor and nature. He chose to go through all in a human form as a human being. He took every aspect he touched to the ultimate pitch of imagination that any life could hold, on the planet. He was called in all the names that could be named still remained unnamed. He set everything free, he didnt' leave anything untouched, even the wild wet love making he set a benchmark beyond. He danced through the mountains and relieved the earth beneath of all her pains. He sat like space ever still and all knowing. He loved like Time, involuting and dissolving at the same time. He sang like the oceans, engulfing and enchanting equally. He walked like the dew drops one step on every blade. He lived beyond living. He ate like fire , He slept like the desert.He took one action and transformed it into inaction. He was one being who roamed around like the outlaw. He is still not known yet everyone knows him under the warmth of their breath. 


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