Open Brackets
What is the best part of a story called life? Why is it so alluring? Is it the impermanence that makes it so.. or is it the experience of little stars twinkling just above.. where are these questions travelling to or is it that we travel thru these questions.. a point in time, a wayward two faced world, puts on a straight-face for the wedding.. cavemen stood up in great joy to see their creation in those little untouched legs of newborns..we civilised homo sapien sapiens are away from that joy.. a culture and ethos called india where seeking individual truth and integrity has been woven in the very fabric of the land.. has been misled, misvalued , misguided, or maybe it's just a pun.. that being proud to be indian still wana stay abroad for a living.Systems and societies , forgetting every other human is responsible for this rendition of a 15000year old land into some mediocratic notion. Whites, greys, blacks, browns, advanced science and mediCine is some kind a end to melanin barriers in an identified mind. Jeopardising merchandise nowadays, feed on subconscious fears and dogmas, crashing human endeavor of living well into lifestyle.
20% of the populace breeds on 80% of race to feed their bank balances. Disgraced the mother to die, we humans make a hyperbole of everything that happens to us, human rights, they say, stupidity of the peak of evolution. Sitting on the peak of the triangle pooping over it. V ain't gona get better even though v have all the convenience in the world. V ain't gona live well cause v think putting everything to use or making some kind of tool for our benefit is the way to expand ourselves, In the name of technology. But putting everything to usE will only take you away from your own use and turn us into useless. Those little eyes of Children Look up on the face of a sunshine not aware, their loving parents are just a making a mockery by doing what they feel is the best for their child. Superficial insecurities in the name of survival. Survival has enhanced so much, maruti or mercedes Just face it, a lil more conviNient still the same traffic. Diwali rockets boom in GIFs over watsapp. 21st century countdown on a rapture I won't live by the end of it but I mite just peep over the edge. )( Open brackets in consciousness.
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