Radioactive nuclear family

A watsapp msg pop-up arrived in a family group about a sad demise of a relative related in many ways to many people, at night 11.13p.m. All condolences were recieved in the group and some of them might have called up also. Somewhere out there 2 siblings belonging to the 3rd generation were exchanging jokes and laughing well aware of this news, ignorant about the immensity of a life lost which might have meant something to the family. In a time where dividends of a single household live in their superbuilt-up area flat branching out of a single tree and cut in bits n pieces. These are the new age nuclear families sprouted up in India. The old age joint families were all about inclusion, eating from a single kitchen being around uncles, aunties, grandma, grandpa mentored and tailored with ancestral wisdom and prosperity, where a loss of a faraway cousin or an uncle is treated with due respect and there were no qualms about people having the time to do some last rites. Now some cut branches of a tree live in matchboxes of their "so called" dignified existence where doors of steel are built up for security and status quos and ego-conciousness creates dogmas for people to meet each other. No wonder social mediums like watsapp and facebook have become a cashtub. Equally respecting the need for individual free-will to create and sustain his/her own specks of joy in this vast existence. I think we need to find a mean and a median for this age. Maybe a new app mite help out where our family trees are remmbered and relations are kept alive in the "come what may - put it to use" age. Its all cool to be trendy and liberalised but its time we get out of our gas chambers and accept that Man is a social animal. The society raises an individual and vice versa is also true. Many people run about looking for mentors and finances and what not ignorant that there are people in their own family to mentor to help or to atleast listen out and give a voice. Social networking is exploitative in nature, where information is overload and it overrides young brains. As the world grows smaller with rising technology people are   distancing further away. No conclusions about this, but i think we need to address it in a spirit of inclusion. We feel that we own and use so much of technology actually they are owning and using Us as a race.



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